Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Weather and work

I've been remembering to put my car in the garage these days.

As you can see, it's not a modern, attached garage. The short third on the right side opens like a regular door and the other two thirds slide on a curved track into the garage. No electric door opener. The car just barely fits on this side. The lawn chairs, mowers, tools, plant pots, picnic table and benches, porch swing and unfinished projects are on the other side.

All that to say that I have to make a clear decision to put the car in the garage. I'm glad I did so on Saturday, a lovely warm day. I didn't drive anywhere on Sunday--when I'm home, I try to walk more and drive less.

Monday morning I woke at 5:45 to intense fog. I've never seen it so foggy in Kansas. I left home at 6:30 a.m. for an 8:30 gig at a school an hour and a half away. I figured the fog would begin to lift. Nope. I called the school twice, once to say I had made the turn that was 3 miles away, and once to say that I couldn't find the school. It's a tiny town, just a few houses, the school, a church and a cemetery, but I truly couldn't see anything in the fog. The secretary talked me in. I made it with about two minutes to set up. Good thing that's all I needed. I drove to the second school in a nearby town in the fog but by the end of that performance, it was sunny and clear.

I was exhausted when I got home, not from the performances but from being so tense as I drove early that morning, ever alert to the possibility of brake lights or leaping deer ahead.

Tuesday morning it was raining. A lot. Dogs, cats and a few small alpacas. I drove to Wonderscope Children's Museum, opting to leave the interstate earlier than usual to avoid some highway accidents I heard about on the radio. Amazingly, I had an audience, a lovely group of young children from the Kansas School from the Deaf with some parents and an interpreter.

Today, as you can see from the photo of the garage, we have several inches of snow on the ground. I don't have any performances, so I'll stay inside with the cat, nice and warm by the woodstove.

They say the same thing in Kansas as they do in New England: "Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes." That's all well and good, but weather in Kansas means it can be tricky getting to performances!


BYRSTN said...

It's 65 in Jonesborough today. We are also suppose to have a high of 32 by Sunday. Stay warm and send some snow this way.

Granny Sue said...

Ah the weather. In my current library job, it's impact is huge. We look days ahead to figure out whether to turn the heat on or off (the only two options) and whether to get men in early to clear snow. Sounds like you've had quite a time in Kansas.