Saturday, February 02, 2008

New Video!

I don't know why I'm so slow putting these up. I'm planning to do a whole new DVD of all the brave baby stories and a few more funny-scaries this spring. In the meantime, here's "The Pancake," a slightly different take on the more familiar "Gingerbread Boy." This is on my DVD, The Bully Billy Goat.


Professional Storyteller Rachel Hedman said...

I love a storyteller who is also a business person!

I learned about your blog from Granny Sue's blog as well as from you being a member of the Professional Storyteller social network.

I added your blog to my "top blogs" at

I would be honored if you posted my blog to your list.

Until we tell again,

Rachel Hedman

PriscillaHowe said...

Thanks for the comment! I've got you on my Google Reader, don't know why I didn't have you on the blog roll. You're there now.
