Monday, December 01, 2008

Nanowrimo success!

I did it! I crossed the finish line yesterday, churning out 50,086 words of a pretty bad novel, but one written entirely in November. Here's the proof: 

This is the second Nanowrimo novel I've written. I can't say "finished" because they are certainly not that, but I did write them. I may have cheated a little on this one--it started out as a reworking of the one I did in 2003, from a different point of view. Then other stuff happened, completely out of the blue (for example, two people died this time, not just 90-year-old Joseph). 

Maybe I'll even edit and rewrite this one someday. Today, however, I'm getting back to the office work that piled up as I was tappity-tappity-tapping out the words on my laptop. 

P.S. My sister Mary also crossed the finish line, two days before I did. Yippeee!!


Flo said...

Would like to read your book, Priscilla! Here's my blog

PriscillaHowe said...

Hey, thanks for the link! I've put it in my Google reader.

That novel. Sigh. At some point, I'll reread it, and if I can stand it, rewrite it.