Saturday, December 04, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Telling to a wide age range
Nah, I wasn't at that school this week, but I did have three performances with kindergarten through 6th grade (ages 5-11, roughly). Each of these groups had at least 200 kids. I was asked in advance if I could tell to that age range. I said I could, though my preference is always to split the group if possible. Kindergarteners are very different from sixth graders. When I tell stories to k-3rd grades, I include plenty of audience participation. I think I've written about how I do this, with the whole group making a motion together, or I call on kids in the audience who want to suggest something in the story (when I let them know that's appropriate). I know what it's like to be a shy child, so all participation is from the safety of the group. As a kid, I was always afraid I'd get picked, then afraid I wouldn't, and then I'd feel embarrassed if the kids on stage were made uncomfortable. When I tell stories to 4th-6th grades, I tell stories that make the kids think a bit more. There's less audience participation, because they're starting to be a little self-conscious about that. I usually leave time for questions at the end. I was pleasantly surprised that my performances at all three of these schools (and the other two in the same city) went as well as they did. Here are some reasons they succeeded:
- I made sure the kids were as close to me as would be comfortable for us all. I prefer not to have a wide aisle, though at one school the teachers set them up that way.
- Before the performance began, I got the audience on my side. I play my harmonica when the classes are coming in. We play "Name that tune," and sometimes I have the kids sing the ABC song, Baa baa black sheep and Twinkle, twinkle all at the same time. The teachers then understand that I can manage the energy in the room, so they relax.
- The first story was one I knew the older students would like. If you don't capture the attention of the big kids in the beginning, all you get in return is scorn. If you do pull them in, you can do almost anything after that--a fingerplay, a silly story for little kids, puppet stuff.
- Trixie mentioned to the audience that the first story was a bit...well, strange. That made them all curious and willing to listen. Strange seems to be a better hook than scary, which sometimes gets everybody too excited.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Publicity photos over time
This leads me to think about publicity photos I've had over the years. Here is a small sample:

Thursday, October 07, 2010
Videos on my philosophy of storytelling
Monday, September 27, 2010
I've moved!
For those of you not from around here, there are two Kansas Cities, one in Kansas and one in Missouri. They're pressed up against each other, right at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri rivers. KCK is the smaller city, with about 140,000 people. The entire Kansas City metropolitan area, both in Kansas and Missouri, has about 2 million people.
This move is the big reason I haven't written a blog post in over a month. Now I'd better get back to unpacking. I'll write more posts when my office is better organized, I promise!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Working while moving
Telling stories today will be a welcome relief from the complete pig's nest that my house has become. It's hot and humid, so the inside of Trixie's head will be sweaty (and maybe mine will be as well), but at least I won't be carrying boxes. Maybe I'll tell cool stories, like The Magic Ice Cream Maker, my version of The Magic Porridge Pot (or Strega Nona for all you Tomie DePaola fans). Maybe I'll tell Wait and See by Robert Munsch, in which the protagonist wishes for snow, snow, snow. Maybe I'll tell The Mitten. Or maybe I'll just take requests from the audience and see what happens.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Yard sale
Monday, August 02, 2010
Why I skipped blogging in July, or my big news

Since I last wrote, I've traveled to North Carolina, Wisconsin, Missouri and California. Only the last two of these trips were for storytelling. In Missouri, I did six performances in two days for the Daniel Boone Regional Library, always a good time. I didn't have any pie, but I did have excellent ice cream from Sparky's in Columbia. They make it right there. Yum.
This last weekend was the National Storytelling Conference in LA. The conference is like a happy family reunion. Nobody says, "Storyteller? You mean you read books to children" or "Storytelling? You can make a living at that?" There are workshops on the art and craft of storytelling, keynotes to inspire us, and endless conversations at meals, in the lobby and in the pool. Oh, and dancing. There's always dancing.
I was fortunate that my name was drawn for a Fringe performance, at which I told "Queen Berta and King Pippin" at 9:45 p.m. (to my central time zone body it felt like 11:45 p.m., and I'm not a night owl). I got a good response to it and it felt pretty solid. Look for news on whether the video and audio recordings I attempted came out or not.
But there's more. The big news is that I'll be moving. I've sold my house (gulp!) and will move to Kansas City, KS with my beau. We decided to do this so he wouldn't have to drive an hour each way to work. The house we found (pictured above), if all the inspections and the appraisal go well, is only a 30-minute drive for him. I was signing and faxing the contract from the hotel in LA, a surreal experience.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Where I've been

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Most of my plants are outside for the summer. I'm a bit neglectful of them. They don't seem to mind. I keep the orchids inside so I can have flowers in the house. Two are blooming now, a third has sent out a shoot. These three are phalaenopsis orchids, while the other plant is a dendrobium. They're not fancy, just the kind you can get at the grocery store.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Leaving a mark
I live in an old house made of soft brick. I've been here almost ten years (whew, how did that happen?!). People who lived here long before me made their mark on the house, and so have I. No, I haven't carved my name in the brick, as the unknown Mark and Tom did, but I've made it my own, with a new back door, with rose beds and perennials and with an ineffable Priscilla-ness.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Down came the rain
Or I could turn my attention further to water, to the summer reading theme Make a splash at your library. The program I'm offering for the theme is called Didja ever see a fishy? and it will be a medley of puppets, stories and songs. Trixie is considering wearing a shower cap, Ray the ray puppet will swim up out of the bag thanks to the "mistic hand." I'm certain that Prince, formerly known as Frog, will make an appearance. I suspect the baby will sing The Itsy Bitsy Tiger.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What really happens in the puppet bag

Monday, May 03, 2010
The Itsy Bitsy Tiger and Other Ridiculous Stories and Songs
You're invited!
Baby stories
In fact, I want to talk about baby stories. By that, I don't mean stories for babies. I mean the four stories I tell about the inimitable brave baby in The ghost with the one black eye. I've performed them for audiences of all ages, from preschoolers to highschoolers to college kids to nonagenarians. These are the most-requested stories I tell.
One theory I have is that these stories, in which the baby is the bravest character of all, give the listeners--especially children--a feeling of vicarious power. There's also a great release of laughter at the end of the stories. I've learned to channel the explosion of energy after The ghost, by inviting the kids to repeat the three important lines together, with me. If I don't do that, they spend the next five minutes telling bits of the story to each other, ignoring me completely. Sometimes I retell that very physical story in French or Bulgarian to let kids know that telling a story is more than just saying the words, and that they could learn a foreign language, too. It's fun to see them join in the telling in another language.
I've heard from teachers that kids retell The ghost to each other for the next week, on the playground, in the lunchroom, at home.
I didn't write these campfire tales. They're from children's folklore, similar to handclapping games and counting out rhymes. I first heard The ghost from my friend Mike Rundle, who heard it from somebody else, and on back to the first kid who made it up. Of course, I've tweaked it and shaped it to fit my own personality.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Puppet tips now on video
Monday, April 12, 2010
Cape Girardeau Storytelling Festival

These storytellers are SO good in person--it's worth going out of your way to hear them.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Obvious signs of spring
Saturday, March 27, 2010
More on bats
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Back from New Jersey
Sometimes when I'm on the road, I notice interesting differences. Here's a sign from the school in Cliffwood. I've never seen this wording in Kansas: