Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What really happens in the puppet bag

In April, I visited second grade classes as part of the Learning About the Environment Through the Arts residency, through the Lied Center of Kansas and USD 497. Many of the kids wrote me thank you notes. I love this one!

At the top, Jonah wrote "the bag. the bag. the bag." This is indeed my puppet bag. Over on the far left is the bat marionette. I think there's another one with more detail on the other side of the poker table. Yes, that's Prince, formerly known as Frog, sitting at the table under a single light bulb, looking at his cards. In the middle, Trixie is sitting on the baby's head. Near the top, to the right, the baby is popping her binky (a.k.a. pacifier, a.k.a. passy) out of her mouth. Best of all, on the far right, is "the mistic hand." That's correct, my hand as perceived by the puppets in the bag.

Here's the text:
"Dear Ms. Howe, Thank you for coming to Sunset Hill. The puppets were really funny. The predators and preys were something good to learn. Also the bats were cool to learn about. your friend, Jonah."

What a great letter from an eight-year-old! Will I ever reach into the bag again without thinking about "the mistic hand"?


megan hicks said...

Get that letter photocopied on acid free paper. It's a keeper! Kids only include the really important stuff. Trixie sitting on Baby's head, the mistic hand. The lightbulb! What a tribute.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture, a treasure! I wish you could keep up with Jonah, I hope that imagination doesn't get squashed. --Jane (Dorfman, in MD.)

SoulSpace said...

what a feedback
absolutely amazing