Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Website re-do

Soon, very soon, my website will have a new look. My wonderful webmaster, also known as my sister, and I are working at a complete makeover. You'll be able to read this blog on the website, watch videos, listen to stories, find out more about what I do, and find out more about storytelling in general. You can listen to stories on the website now, but it's going to be a bit different.

Here's the insider tip: every time you refresh the listen-and-watch page, you'll get a different video and a different audio clip (whole stories only). I'm putting ALL the stories that I've recorded on the site. That's a lot of page refreshing! Yes, I still am selling the recordings on CDbaby.com, filmbaby.com and amazon.com but I also like making them easily available.

Oh, and there are new pictures. Here are a few:
Some of you have seen this on Facebook. It might be my favorite.
I...want...my...appa' juice!

The hair color is a little funny--don't worry, Baby still is more of a redhead than a blonde.
Peeps has come out of his shell.

I'll try to keep the calendar up to date, too. Look for the new site in the next few weeks.


Deb said...

Wow -- this site looks so excellent! I love the photo and video bars, and the new pix you posted today (the one of you and Trixie is my favorite, too), and how everyone in the pix (storyteller, puppets, kids) all look as if they're having a wonderful time. Congratulations!

PriscillaHowe said...

Glad you like this one--this is the blogger site. I think it will continue (or maybe there will be a redirect), but it's the updated regular website, http://priscillahowe.com that will get a new look.

Mary said...

Oh, the pressure!

There will be a redirect so people who come here will be automagically sent to the new site.

Pressure, pressure, pressure!

The Web Sister